For too long, recovery has been accessible to only a few.
Release Foundation is changing that.
We're on a mission to redefine the way the world treats, supports, and views recovery by making addiction and mental health treatment more accessible and building a community where everyone seeking more purpose and connection is welcome.
The Release Recovery Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all who are ready and willing to seek professional treatment are able. Substance use disorder and mental illness destroys the lives of too many people from underserved communities who may not have the resources for proven treatments. The Release Recovery Foundation offers scholarships to bridge the gap between what people can afford and what they need to transform their lives, regardless of race, gender, and/or sexual orientation.

1 out of 4 people in this country suffer from substance use disorder and/or mental illness, and 90% of those suffering are not able to access treatment due to financial barriers. Release Recovery Foundation provides scholarships that unlock access to treatment at NAATP-vetted facilities across the country for individuals demonstrating financial need.
Team Release
Our personal and professional experience tells us that community is non-negotiable. Healing is more successful and sustainable when people are immersed in a loving, inclusive community, which is why we created Team Release: a community of allies – sober or not – standing ready to support and lift up anybody in or seeking recovery.
Need Confidential Assistance for Yourself or a Loved One?
Complete this form or contact us directly at connect@releaserecoveryfoundation.org or (646) 883-6196.
For employment inquiries please email margaret@releaserecovery.com